Who out there among us doesn't think the impending release by Wikileaks of a huge chunk of Swiss bank records is not a good thing? According to
a story today in Raw Story, data from thousand of Swiss bank accounts will soon be released into cyberspace. Rudolf Elmer, a former employee of the Swiss b
ank Julius Baer "released two optical discs he said carried files showing massive, unmitigated tax evasion by American, Asian and European individuals and corporations. He said that many of the records dealt with accounts held by organized criminals, politicians and celebrities around the world." He says he opposes "the system [of secret banking]" which damages society. Well, I would think so.
Well, let me guess who doesn't think this is a good thing: Swiss banks,
all banks, organized crimes, and the thousands upon thousands of fat cat tax dodgers. Now, I haven't yet seen reaction to this news--it's pretty fresh right now as I type. But can you imagine the howl of anguish that's going to arise from people who are about the be exposed? And the law suits? This in itself will be proof positive that the data needs to see the light of day. I shake my head almost daily over the myriad ways ordinary people are being screwed by rich people who refuse to acknowledge any debt whatsoever to the common good and who do everything in their power to avoid contributing to that good.
agree wholeheartedly. and then there's that brave young man who 'leaked' the info and is being kept in solitary confinement, with no trial, who seems to be mostly ignored by the media, even the best of them. lord knows what he's going through. didn't they tell us in school that america is of, for, and by the people? they forgot to mention WHICH people.....
thanks for your interesting blog....
Hello, Karen. And welcome. Of course, they don't tell us in school how things really work. School is for inculcating the kids with the national mythology, which many millions of them will go on believing for the rest of their natural lives. I think the guy who released all these secret documents is a hero. But our glorious boys in the military are mean as wet cats . . . what they're doing to him is typical.
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