Friday, July 10, 2009

I Second the Motion

I have definitely exceeded my limit of lamentation for the death of Michael Jackson. Please make it go away. A quote from Michael David Green writing in The Smirking Chimp about the Michael Jackson memorial:

He goes on to observe about how Jackson's music compared to Lennon's is fluff, and how much more seriously Lennon was about confronting the real problems of the world in which he lived.

I don't mean to sound like somebody's craggy old grandpa, incessantly whining about how "it was better in our day", but I couldn't help thinking about the degree to which Jackson - in life and death - personified the utter shallowness of the culture we now endure.

And I certainly don't mean to play the game of My Dead Rock Star Is Better Than Your Dead Rock Star, but I also couldn't help being thrown back upon my memories and grief at the loss thirty years ago of a cultural figure who really did matter, John Lennon.

He goes on to observe about how Jackson's music compared to Lennon's is fluff, and how much more seriously Lennon was about confronting the real problems of the world in which he lived.

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