Sunday, February 21, 2010

Blog Heaven

This is Time magazine's list of the top 25 blogs on the Web for 2009. How many do you regularly check in on? How many have you never heard of? Did you learn anything here? Tell the truth: how many of these sucked you in when you clicked on them? How many did you click on? How many did you say, "You've got to be kidding me."? Why do we like lists so much?

  1. Talking Points Memo
  2. The Huffington Post
  3. Lifehacker
  4. Metafilter
  5. The Daily Dish by Andrew Sullivan
  6. Freakonomics
  7. BoingBoing
  8. Got2BeGreen
  9. Zen Habits
  10. The Conscience of a Liberal: Paul Krugman
  11. Crooks and Liars
  12. GeneraciĆ³n Y
  13. Mashable
  14. Slashfood
  15. Official Google Blog
  16. synthesis
  17. bleat
  18. /Film
  19. Seth Godin's Blog
  20. Deadspin: Sports News without Access, Favor, or Discretion
  21. Dooce
  22. Confessions of a Pioneer Woman
  23. Said the Gramophone
  24. Detention Slip
  25. Bad Astronomy

Most Overrated Blogs

  1. TechCrunch
  2. Gawker
  3. Jim Cramer's Blog
  5. Daily Kos: State of the Nation


    Tanya said...

    Huf Po I love, Perez Hilton is a joke, and those are the only two I can remember without clicking back.

    Lists are fun. Bottom line.

    Unknown said...

    Awww. Go ahead. Click back.