Sunday, September 30, 2012

Here Are Some Websites for You

Every so often, the spirit moves me to let you in on some websites I've stumbled across in my travels that I found helpful or just interesting. And every so often, I suppose, you might find one or more of them either helpful or interesting. Which is why I share.

1. I Can Has Cheeseburger
Not new, this site. But I've never told you about it before. Built around the notion that pets, especially cats, can really be funny.

2. NinjaWords
The fastest dictionary on the planet. I recently turned my daughter on to it. She loves it and uses it, as far as I know.

3. digg
This is not new either but it has a great new look and it's one of those places that can really suck you in. Go here to find out what's being most talked about right this minute or in the past hour or so. Great place for me to find blog topics. Great place for you to get lost in.

4. Desk
A really silly site . . . unless you like desks and like to see the way people have arranged their desks and, in most cases, the environs of the desk too. I'm tempted to put a picture of my own pretty damn busy World War II army-issue desk up there. Pretty much all I've seen are these hypermodern looking set-ups. But I'll bet it would not pass muster.

5. kuvva
Very cool wallpapers for your desktop. You subscribe and you get an artist's stuff for a week up there on your screen. One new design a day. Here's a look at something by the guy who's on my desktop now, a Norwegian illustrator, Mads Berg. This is not the design that's there. The one that is is much cooler, but I could not figure how to put it here.

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