Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A Little Worrisome, Wouldn't You Say?

Just think for a second about the implications of the following, all of which were culled from the "Index" in the latest number of Harper's.
  • Number of members of Congress among the wealthiest 1 percent of Americans by net worth: 57. (So what this means is that the body making laws for the 99 percent is either 13.1 or 10.6 percent comprised of the super rich people in the top one percent--depending on whether you're talking just representatives or reps and senators.) And they call this a "representative" democracy. We know very well who's represented up there don't we?
  • Every $1 billion in military spending creates 11,000 jobs; the same amount spent for education creates 27,000.
  • Hydrocodone is number one prescribed drug in America. US deaths attributable to painkiller overdoses were up by a factor of four from 1999-2008.
  • An average of 18 US veterans commit suicide every day--an astonishing figure. "Support the troops" is the easiest platitude to mouth, but it's a joke, really. Veterans are screwed over in myriad ways once they've been used up.
  • By 2050, the world will require 70 percent more food production to sustain the world's population; meanwhile, one-quarter of the world's land is considered "highly degraded" right now because of soil erosion, water pollution, loss of biodiversity. This is a pretty hopeful situation, no?
  • In 2011, 75 percent of Americans believed in anthroprogenic global warming; today 44 percent do. (A triumph of the "big lie.")


Montag said...

Vets have always been screwed over. When the shooting's over, they are liabilties on the balance sheet.

Unknown said...

But we all "support the troops", don't we? . . . what a crock.

Montag said...

I seem to remember sending boxes containing necessities - such as candy and toilet paper - to the troops during the First Gulf War.

I also remember someone saying that soldiers could only get a few "squares" ( sheets of tp ) per day.
We were incredibly naive, and just 12 years later we had all the tp and wars we could ever want.