Wednesday, January 25, 2012

And God Said, "Let There be Morons."

This is the kind of thing that confirms us as idiots in the eyes of the world:
An Indiana Senate committee on Wednesday endorsed teaching creationism in public schools, despite pleas from scientists and religious leaders to keep religion out of science classrooms.
Senate Bill 89 allows school corporations to authorize “the teaching of various theories concerning the origin of life” and specifically mentions “creation science” as one such theory.
State Sen. Scott Schneider, R-Indianapolis, who voted for the measure, said if there are many theories about life’s origins, students should be taught all of them. (Source)
 The vote in the Senate Education Committee wasn't even close: 8-2. Now the bill will move on to the Republican-controlled Senate. If it passes, the school districts of the state will have the option teaching intelligent design as a theory explaining the origins of life right alongside the "theory" of evolution in science courses. (Source)

Creation science is to science as justice is to military justice. This is ridiculous. You know, I just have to shake my head. I grew up (and was educated) in a time when science and scientific learning garnered respect. Now, in some quarters, if scientists teaches it, it is wrong. This creation science bit and the denial of global warming are just two of the most visible of this disturbing trend. What is a normal person supposed to make of this? I find it scary.


karen lindsey said...

istsii love their open-minded idea that all the theories should be treated equally. i hope they will take this committment further into other areas. for instance, sex-ed tells us that babies are born through sexual intercourse between a man and a woman. why is this the only theory tought? students should know that it might be the stork that brings babies. they should also be taught the cabbage patch theory. this of course would bring up the question of marriage, since its reproductive function might be untrue, and if you want kids you just have to move to somewhere near a large bird sanctuary.

and what is all this nonsense about sending rockets to the moon, and then they don't even bring back green cheese?

so many important theories out there to explore!

karen lindsey said...
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karen lindsey said...
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Unknown said...

I know, Karen. It's just insane. Nobody coul have made this stuff up.