Monday, July 11, 2011

Oh, Let's Elect Her Next Time!

Christiana Fallin
And who in the hell is Christina Fallin you say? Well, this vamp you see above is the daughter of the governor of our great state of Oklahoma, "Oklahoma’s first woman governor, conservative Mary Fallin, who ran on the values of 'Faith, Family, and Freedom,' and whose husband Wade Christensen has received $1.9 million in federal farm subsidies. Gov. Fallin divorced her first husband in 1998, during her second term as Oklahoma’s lieutenant governor (she was the first woman to hold that office in Oklahoma’s history and later only the second woman Oklahomans ever elected to US Congress) amid rumors of an affair with her her bodyguard, who resigned over “improper conduct.”

Newlywed Christina Fallin-Bacon–named August’s “Girl of the Month” by Twenty-Something Magazine–certainly exemplifies her mom’s motto: Daughter = “family;” dancing in a transparent dress in the Governor’s Mansion=”freedom;” and “faith” — in her looks." (Source: here)

Aren't you just tickled to your core that we've got a staunch FAMILY VALUES executive down here in Okieland? I sure am.

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