Thursday, February 17, 2011


This is Matt Taibbi on the financial monsters of Wall Street.
 If I go online today to and bet fifty dollars on the Bucks against the Celtics tonight, I'm a criminal. But some gazillionaire firm in New York can legally bet against the United States of America in unlimited amounts in a trade that has nothing to do with anything, but a guess about how many other people will make the same bet. Jesus, are we a weird country.
 l was moved to quote this guy because my mind is on Wall Street at the moment since I'm about two-thirds through William Cohan's House of Cards: A Tale of Hubris and Wretched Excess on Wall Street, and I'm disgusted. It is about Bear Sterns, but it could have been about any of them up there. Does anyone in America ever reflect on how we've been so utterly screwed by these guys? Do you think they care about who prevails in the battle going on right now in Wisconsin between the working/middle class people and the looney tunes Tea Party governor? Do you think these guys care what happens in Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen, et al.? Do you think these guys give a shit what the unemployment rate is or who doesn't get health care in America? Do you think they lose a single moment's sleep about our wars in the Middle East? They could give a rosy rat's ass. These people care about money. They live, eat, and sleep money. That's all that interests them.

And these are guys we saved to the tune of $700 billion . . . and they are doing the same things, committing all the same crimes against the people of this country all over again. The so-called financial reform legislation is a tissue of weak constraints that basically allows business as usual on Wall Street, i.e., more millions for millionaires and screw the rest of us.


Montag said...

Which is why the film "Things Fall Apart" is set to start in about the year 2014-2016. We can lurch along a long time fueled by the booze of iniquity, but sooner or later we will fall down, barfing, into the gutter again.
And this next time it will be harder to get up...
the hopeless and dispirited will just fall back into their own vomit.

karen lindsey said...

i wish i could argue with you. but you're too terribly right. anad americans have been so brainwashed we think the only bad thing that can happen to us is taxes....

Unknown said...

Montag, I did not know that there was a film of such a name coming out. Is it supposed to be any good? As for the future, I find it difficult not to be dispirited about our prospects.

Karen, I'm truly sorry you have to agree with me. It's very sad what we're agreeing about.