Monday, July 28, 2008

Oh NO!

Why am I not surprised? Although as yet to be confirmed, the evidence is beginning to accumulate that former senator, former Democratic aspirant for the nomination, clearest voice for the gap between rich and poor and the need to address it . . . you know who I mean. John Edwards. The evidence is beginning to accumulate that he was having, is having, an affair with one Ms. Rielle Hunter, apparently a campaign aide of some sort, who has now given birth to his child. Not sure of every single detail because once I got the gist of the story, I read real fast, just so it would be over. Can you imagine the shit storm that's coming if this is true? I don't want to think about it. Just what the Democratic party needs right now.

The best possible spin on this is the video here.

I'm reserving judgment--this is, after all, something uncovered by The National Enquirer--but if this is true, John Edwards is a scumbag, and I don't care what his politics are.


Reas Kroicowl said...

I'm thinking it's true. Damnit. I was hoping he'd be Veep--and he was my choice when it was Edwards, Obama, and Hillary.

Why, why, why??

Unknown said...

Because if you're male, one of the perks of power is easy women. Perhaps understandable, but not when you've posed as the White Knight and your wife has breast cancer. I understand your disappointment; he was my choice of the three likewise.

Anonymous said...

Fuck John Edwards. I hope the media shit storm engulfs him. He cheated on his wife? The one dying of cancer. Let the media punish him.