Saturday, March 5, 2011

Makes Me Cringe

This video is one of the most sickening, embarrassing things I've seen of late. It makes me ashamed to be an American when I have to acknowledge that there are many people in my country like this. Nothing could be further from the ideals of this country than the hate, ignorance, and bigotry expressed here. This is just awful. And check out the kind of elected representatives we can claim. Disgusting.


Tanya said...

I turned it of at a minute 30. I couldn't stomach any more.

Unknown said...

Know what you mean.

karen lindsey said...

god, this is ugly. the faces on the muslim women remind of the faces you see on newcasts in the 1950s, of black teenagers integrating a mississippi high school. trying to ignore the evil spit at them and the danger to them, and walking determinedly on to exercise their rights. all the unsung heroes, all their demonic enemies...

Unknown said...

One of the ugliest things I've seen in a while. But I put the "bin Laden is dead" celebrations in the same category.

Unfortunately, this is who we are.