Thursday, November 4, 2010

We Going to Be Frozen

Just another few thoughts on the elections. (You knew I would not be able to lay off them completely.)
  • Republicans all of sudden think they've been given a mandate. They will not compromise. John Boehner, who sports a beautiful tan from all the corporate-sponsored junkets he takes to golf courses all over the world, says they are speaking for "the American people." It's a crock. People distrust the Republicans more than the Democrats.
  • Mitch McConnell, Senate Republican leader, has said more than once now that the main goal for his party over the next two years is to make sure Obama is a one-term president. Does this sound like the GOP is ready to work with the administration? All that party has is anti-government rhetoric and one platform plank: cut taxes. It's their solution to everything.
  • We are headed for two years of gridlock. Absolutely amazing considering the magnitude of the problems confronting this country. Just you watch: we're going to be frozen. None of the major problems of the country are going to be addressed: energy, the endless losing wars, the economy--do you really think the GOP is going to provide jobs?--environment, oil dependence.
  • Corporations and rich people are delighted with this results of the election. Signals return to their unobstructed running of the government. (The Democrats were just annoying gnats anyway.)
  • Healthcare bill will not be repealed--that was a joke from the beginning, and the GOP knows it--but the Republicans will get all kinds of political capital from the people who don't know any better. There may be some nibbling around the edges of it.
  • Obama will further demonstrate how much of a weakling he is by giving in on the tax breaks for the fabulously wealthy. He will extend the Bush tax cuts, which were obscene to begin with and should have never passed--and don't forget, they would not have without an appreciable number of Democratic votes.
  • The news media will pause for about 2 months before they start pumping up the 2012 presidential election. Just you watch. The only thing these people know how to do with politics is keep score. 
  • Fox News will be even more unbearable now that the GOP has won big-time. I don't watch it ever unless it's on in doctor's office or I see snippets on The Daily Show. Can't take it. It's like watching the Giants' World Series celebration. I couldn't watch that either.
  • Look for an emerging scramble for the Republican party nomination. They're salivating now that they think the country agrees with them. I'm lifting a prayer to the Lord right now that the party won't be able to shake their lunatic Tea Party fringe. Those mindless people are going to be big trouble for them. Think Sarah Palin. Think Rand Paul. Think Glenn Beck.


Montag said...

2 years of gridlock and attacking Obama will not make the electorate maintain their support of the GOP in 2012. So the question is what happens?

Jack Welch says that a company owned by the private equity firm he works with had a payroll of 26,000 before the recession, and when the recession ends, it will need only 14,000 employees.

Multiply this by a couple million. Throw in globalization. This is not going to be like the past. In the past, we stuck it out and struck out to the frontier to find gold and destroy forests and make it all happen.

It is not going to be like that this time.

Karen Lindsey said...

i wish i could disagree with either of you. the only hope is that we all survive the next 2 years and some of the people who believed the lies will learn better--and obama will stop being wimp-in-chief and act like a real liberal. too much of course to hope that he could ever be the 'socialist' the gop keeps calling him, but if he could just nudge himself an inch or 2 leftward, he might yet live up to the promise of 2008. we need a new newleft.

as for the media--keith oberman is back tomorrow, rachel maddow is still strong, and the new kid on the block lawrence o'donnell is pretty cool. as close to lefties as tv will ever see.

Unknown said...

@Karen I'm really afraid for the next couple of years. The country is in a real grip of fear, and when people are like that, who knows what they will do? And the feckless pols are more than willing to pander to these scary people.

I wish I could be sanguine about the chances for progressives. I think we're entering a dark age, and that's why Obama's failure is even more devastating.