Saturday, June 12, 2010

Really Creepy

This is really creepy . . . because it strikes such a responsive chord in me. I tell you, brothers and sisters, I'm just scared to death about what the long term effects of this oil spill are going to be for all of us.


Montag said...

Yeah! Well, it's like after hearing that we have "fixes" for everything, we got fixes for nothing.

We wanted to pig out on oil, we told our leaders we wanted to pig out on oil, we looked the other way and believed every story they told us. Now we see everything from Washington to Wall Street to the Gulf is just a shell game.

Unknown said...

A shell game devised and manipulated by what TR called the "malefactors of great wealth." But ultimately we have only ourselves to blame. Gullibility, ignorance, and greed on our parts has brought us to this pass, and I fear what is left for all of us is what's in the cartoon.