Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Only Reverent Silence Suffices

War . . . it's the same everywhere and at all times. What's the difference between a British infantryman in the trenches at the Somme, a Japanese draftee in a cave on Iwo Jima or a U.S. Marine humping 70 pounds in Afghanistan? Not a thing if you're dead. 

Prelude: The Troops 
Dim, gradual thinning of the shapeless gloom
Shudders to drizzling daybreak that reveals
Disconsolate men who stamp their sodden boots
And turn dulled, sunken faces to the sky
Haggard and hopeless. They, who have beaten down
The stale despair of night, must now renew
Their desolation in the truce of dawn,
Murdering the livid hours that grope for peace.
Yet these, who cling to life with stubborn hands,
Can grin through storms of death and find a gap
In the clawed, cruel tangles of his defence.
They march from safety, and the bird-sung joy
Of grass-green thickets, to the land where all
Is ruin, and nothing blossoms but the sky
That hastens over them where they endure
Sad, smoking, flat horizons, reeking woods,
And foundered trench-lines volleying doom for doom.
O my brave brown companions, when your souls
Flock silently away, and the eyeless dead
Shame the wild beast of battle on the ridge,
Death will stand grieving in that field of war
Since your unvanquished hardihood is spent.
And through some mooned Valhalla there will pass
Battalions and battalions, scarred from hell;
The unreturning army that was youth;
The legions who have suffered and are dust.

from Counter-Attack, by Siegfried Sassoon, 1918


Montag said...

Maybe if we read more Sassoon in school...

Unknown said...

You can almost tell you're a poet, my friend. You're a dreamer of impossible dreams.