Monday, April 15, 2013

Boston Bombed

We're never going to hear the end of these stories: two bombs detonated today right near the finish line of the Boston Marathon. Considerable carnage since the bombs were placed among the spectators lining the route of the runners. Apparently two people have been killed and scores wounded. At this point nobody knows anything about who did this or why. Pretty much what Obama said in his brief statement about the incident tonight. He did not call it "terrorism," which is probably a good thing. I'm conjuring up visions of some poor Muslim family somewhere in the U.S. trying to make a living in perhaps a little grocery store having their business burned, or their son beat up, by some crazed yahoo who will take the news of this outrage in Boston as a reason to hurt a Muslim. Isn't it sad that just as I've come to expect as "almost normal" periodic terrorist attacks inside the U.S., I've also come to expect as "completely normal" persecution of minorities in this country as a matter of course?

Update I: Casualties have been upped. There are now three dead and over 150 wounded, some very seriously, as in amputations necessary.

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