To get back to the subject. You don't give much thought to sleeping if you get enough and it's good. For me, it's almost always both. But today on that drive home that I mentioned, I was listening to a past "This American Life" program about people who are afraid of going to sleep. Some of the reasons were what you might expect: bad dreams, sleepwalking, etc. But three of the people that Ira Glass talked with had horrifying tales. Two women talked about the experience of waking up to having a roach crawling in their ear! Imagine the condition of the housing these poor people lived in. The thought of such a thing makes me shudder. One lady described having to go to the hospital to have the damned thing removed. The other women said she used to stuff cotton in her ears to keep this from happening. She was pretty matter-of-fact about the whole thing. Apparently, having roaches crawl over the rest of her while she was sleeping was acceptable.
In the other case, a woman told about her house being infested with bedbugs. That's the little sucker pictured above. A literal sucker, because these insects suck the blood of warm-blooded animals. The one above is engorged with blood, as a matter of fact. Again, makes me shiver. Apparently, getting rid of these bugs is well-nigh impossible. They nest in dark crevices in furniture and in rugs. An adult can live for a year without feeding. Maybe so, but you better believe they are hungry after you come home from a long vacation.
So here's a question you might want to think about, especially if you aren't particularly afraid of going to sleep at night: would the prospect of having a roach crawl in your ear or being a feast for a swarm of vampire bedbugs at night keep you from sleeping? Don't answer too quickly.
That's just gross as hell. ;-) LMAO! Of course, I'm the type of person who'd much rather endure mice in her house than roaches. Mice have at least one redeeming quality: They're cute. Too bad they can't be potty trained, although it wouldn't matter. A mouse wouldn't last long at all in a house with four cats.
Nice of you to mention your bladder habits, by the way. Now I feel compelled to blog about my menstrual cycle--such as it is at my age. 8-D
Don't worry about the comments about bladder habits. Funny how parenting makes such comments seem commonplace.
Yuck about the bedbugs! I read somewhere that the average person swallows 7 spiders a year (they crawl in your mouth while you sleep).
One of my roomies was a horrible insomniac. She claimed that she felt vulnerable (to everything, I assume) while she was sleeping. I feel so wonderfully blessed to have absolutely no trouble going to sleep when my head hits the pillow. I consider it a rough night if I have time to think "Gosh, I'm not falling asleep yet" before I pass out.
Sweet dreams!
Yup, I heard that TAL too....
LMAO at the easter egg...
I'm intrigued by the idea that everybody swallows 7 spiders a year. I assume that's an average, so you could have one guy swallowing one, and another guy swallowing 13. I read somewhere that no matter where you are, you're within six feet of a spider. So the idea that you'd swallow them in your sleep seems plausible. But yuk!
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