I was just telling somebody the other day that I've been seriously thinking about writing a piece for publication as a book-length thing. Really. And I remember also telling somebody--another somebody--that it was right now something like just an "unfocused rant." Then it occured to me that I had already established a pretty solid background in just this very area with "Powderfinger." Which already exists and which could live again if I just decided to breathe some life into it. So, once again (for this is not the first time), I'm considering revitalizing my blog. I have this urge to "let things out." And truth be told, I probably need the kind of discipline that working a regular blog imposes upon me. I just have to refrain from beating myself up over self-imposed requirements. Which after all, can be altered at will.
So let me give old "Powderfinger" a whirl once again. I'm telling myself I might succeed or I might fail, which is why I don't intend to tell anybody but Susan that I've restarted this blog until I've got some stuff that people might be interested in reading. That day might never come, but I'm hoping it will. Because then that'll mean I'm writing regularly again.
I should notice that I'm working now, almost 4 years from the time I stopped posting to "Powderfinger" regularly with an entirely different interface. Doubtless it will take a while to figure out. One thing I can say now is it appears to be more intuitive and less of a hassle to deal with. But the blog doesn't look like it did before. The site needs a thorough editing and spruce-up which I'll do if it looks like this thing might fly again.